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正高级工程师,河南人。本、硕就读于天津大学化工学院, 2006年在英国曼彻斯特大学获博士学位。2005-2011年在英国参与创办了世界知名的量子点材料公司Nanoco,并在伦敦交易所上市。

2012年回国以主要股东和创始人的身份发起成立广东普加福光电科技有限公司,现任董事长。2016年入选了中组部的国家"万人计划"和科技部"国家创新人才推进计划",在NCJACSAFMAOMACSJMCJPCL等高水平期刊发表论文十多篇,申请国内外专利三十余项,授权15项。现为中国福建光电信息科学与技术创新实验室(闽都创新实验室)量子点光致发光材料项目课题组负责人。本人有二十多年的光电材料和器件方面的研发经验,专注于从事新型纳米光电半导体材料(如:量子点和纳米金属氧化物ETLHTL类材 料)和先进高分子-无机复合材料(如:量子点光刻胶、精密打印墨水)的设计、合成、 放大量产及其商业化方面的开发。


Dr Yang LI received Ph. D degree from The University of Manchester in 2006. In 2005,he joined Nanoco Technologies as one of the founding team members and key early employee to establish the company core quantum dots technologies. Dr Li has co-authored over 20 academic papers, is an inventor on 30s patents and pending patents. In 2012 as a founder, he has established another QD company called with Poly OptoElectronics Ltd in Guangdong Province. He has a passion and experience in taking research work from the academic bench through to full commercialization. He has a strong focus on developing large-scale synthetic routes to colloidal quantum dots for photovoltaic, displays and lighting applications. Recently our field of research has expanded to metal oxide nanoparticles as ETL/HTL, IJP QLED or QDPR materials.